Monday, February 25, 2008

Still No Pictures ...

Well, I was just getting ready to spice up some pictures and post them to the blog, when I discovered that Photoshop wouldn't read my files. So I started to panic, and then Nicole told me I just needed a plug-in, but then I couldn't install it and I got so frustrated I very nearly started crying. After much scouring of the web, I have come to find out that this plug-in isn't compatible with my version of Photoshop, and so I can't work on pictures from the new camera until I upgrade the entire program, which is going to cost a couple hundred dollars. Grrrrrr! I have a check on the way so it hopefully won't be long, and until then, feel free to remind me to take a few deep breaths because I could really use them.


Anonymous said...

sometimes technology will just bite you in rear won't it? ;o)

The Way EYE See It... said...